Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Google Code Jam Practice: Round 1B 2008 Milkshakes Solution (with Comments!) [C#]

For anyone looking for a more readable solution to Milkshakes. Written in C#!

NOTE: You'll have to change the file I/O locations!
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 namespace BMilkshakes  
   class Program  
     public class Flavor  
       public int flavor;  
       public bool malted;  
       public Flavor(int f, bool m)  
         flavor = f;  
         malted = m;  
       //for final list only  
       public bool required;  
     public class Customer  
       public Flavor[] flavorsLiked;  
       public bool hasMalted;  
       public int maltedIndex;  
       public Customer(int numFlavorsLiked)  
         flavorsLiked = new Flavor[numFlavorsLiked];  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       System.IO.StreamReader file =  
         new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Aron\\Downloads\\");  
       System.IO.StreamWriter fileOut =  
         new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\Aron\\Desktop\\Google Output.txt");  
       int testCases = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
       for (int i = 0; i < testCases; i++)  
         int numFlavors = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
         int numCustomers = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
         Customer[] customers = new Customer[numCustomers];  
         Flavor[] flavors = new Flavor[numFlavors];  
         for (int iflavor = 0; iflavor < numFlavors; iflavor++)  
           flavors[iflavor] = new Flavor(iflavor + 1, false); //start off all unmalted  
         bool impossible = false;  
         //go through all customers  
         for (int ic = 0; ic < numCustomers; ic++)  
           string[] customerInfo = file.ReadLine().Split(' ');  
           if (impossible) continue;// if we know it's impossible, read data but don't process it  
           //store data in Customer  
           Customer c = new Customer(int.Parse(customerInfo[0]));  
           int cfCount = 0;  
           for (int ici = 1; ici < customerInfo.Length; ici += 2)  
             c.flavorsLiked[cfCount] = new Flavor(int.Parse(customerInfo[ici]), int.Parse(customerInfo[ici + 1]) == 1);  
               c.hasMalted = true;  
               c.maltedIndex = cfCount;  
           customers[ic] = c;  
           if(c.flavorsLiked.Length == 1)  
             Flavor cFlavor = c.flavorsLiked[0];  
             Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[0].flavor - 1];  
             if (flavor.required)  
               if(flavor.malted != cFlavor.malted) impossible = true;  
               flavor.malted = cFlavor.malted;  
               flavor.required = true;  
           fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: IMPOSSIBLE", i + 1);  
         bool needsProcessing = true;  
         //repeatedly go through customers until we reach a solution  
         while (!impossible && needsProcessing)  
           needsProcessing = false; //will be flagged true if we need a rerun  
           //go through all customers  
           for (int ic = 0; ic < numCustomers; ic++)  
             Customer c = customers[ic]; //pull customer  
             //customer will be treated differently if they have a malted flavor  
             if (c.hasMalted)   
               bool satisfied = false;  
               //go through all flavors  
               for (int iflav = 0; iflav < c.flavorsLiked.Length; iflav++)  
                 //pull flavor from main array (-1 due to index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[iflav].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor has the same malt, customer is satisfied  
                 if (flavor.malted == c.flavorsLiked[iflav].malted)  
                   satisfied = true;  
               //if customer is unsatisfied  
               if (!satisfied)  
                 //pull flavor, that customer needs malted, from main array (-1 for index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[c.maltedIndex].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor cannot be changed  
                 if (flavor.required)  
                   impossible = true; //we cannot satisfy this customer  
                 else //flavor can be changed  
                   //change flavor to malted  
                   flavor.malted = true;  
                   //we can no longer alter this flavor  
                   flavor.required = true;  
                   //we will need to process customers again  
                   needsProcessing = true;  
             else //customer does not have a malted that they like  
               //we need see if one of our flavors match  
               bool satisfied = false;  
               for (int iflav = 0; iflav < c.flavorsLiked.Length; iflav++)  
                 //pull flavor from main array (-1 for index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[iflav].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor is unmalted, customer is satisfied  
                 if (!flavor.malted)  
                   satisfied = true;  
               //if customer is unsatisfied  
               if (!satisfied)  
                 //all the malted flavors will be required  
                 //so we cannot change them and it is impossible to satisfy  
                 impossible = true;  
         if (impossible)  
           fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: IMPOSSIBLE", i + 1);  
         fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: {1}", i + 1, string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(flavors, x => (x.malted ? "1" : "0"))));  