Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Google Code Jam Practice: Round 1B 2008 Milkshakes Solution (with Comments!) [C#]

For anyone looking for a more readable solution to Milkshakes. Written in C#!

NOTE: You'll have to change the file I/O locations!
 using System;  
 using System.Collections.Generic;  
 namespace BMilkshakes  
   class Program  
     public class Flavor  
       public int flavor;  
       public bool malted;  
       public Flavor(int f, bool m)  
         flavor = f;  
         malted = m;  
       //for final list only  
       public bool required;  
     public class Customer  
       public Flavor[] flavorsLiked;  
       public bool hasMalted;  
       public int maltedIndex;  
       public Customer(int numFlavorsLiked)  
         flavorsLiked = new Flavor[numFlavorsLiked];  
     static void Main(string[] args)  
       System.IO.StreamReader file =  
         new System.IO.StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Aron\\Downloads\\");  
       System.IO.StreamWriter fileOut =  
         new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\Aron\\Desktop\\Google Output.txt");  
       int testCases = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
       for (int i = 0; i < testCases; i++)  
         int numFlavors = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
         int numCustomers = int.Parse(file.ReadLine());  
         Customer[] customers = new Customer[numCustomers];  
         Flavor[] flavors = new Flavor[numFlavors];  
         for (int iflavor = 0; iflavor < numFlavors; iflavor++)  
           flavors[iflavor] = new Flavor(iflavor + 1, false); //start off all unmalted  
         bool impossible = false;  
         //go through all customers  
         for (int ic = 0; ic < numCustomers; ic++)  
           string[] customerInfo = file.ReadLine().Split(' ');  
           if (impossible) continue;// if we know it's impossible, read data but don't process it  
           //store data in Customer  
           Customer c = new Customer(int.Parse(customerInfo[0]));  
           int cfCount = 0;  
           for (int ici = 1; ici < customerInfo.Length; ici += 2)  
             c.flavorsLiked[cfCount] = new Flavor(int.Parse(customerInfo[ici]), int.Parse(customerInfo[ici + 1]) == 1);  
               c.hasMalted = true;  
               c.maltedIndex = cfCount;  
           customers[ic] = c;  
           if(c.flavorsLiked.Length == 1)  
             Flavor cFlavor = c.flavorsLiked[0];  
             Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[0].flavor - 1];  
             if (flavor.required)  
               if(flavor.malted != cFlavor.malted) impossible = true;  
               flavor.malted = cFlavor.malted;  
               flavor.required = true;  
           fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: IMPOSSIBLE", i + 1);  
         bool needsProcessing = true;  
         //repeatedly go through customers until we reach a solution  
         while (!impossible && needsProcessing)  
           needsProcessing = false; //will be flagged true if we need a rerun  
           //go through all customers  
           for (int ic = 0; ic < numCustomers; ic++)  
             Customer c = customers[ic]; //pull customer  
             //customer will be treated differently if they have a malted flavor  
             if (c.hasMalted)   
               bool satisfied = false;  
               //go through all flavors  
               for (int iflav = 0; iflav < c.flavorsLiked.Length; iflav++)  
                 //pull flavor from main array (-1 due to index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[iflav].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor has the same malt, customer is satisfied  
                 if (flavor.malted == c.flavorsLiked[iflav].malted)  
                   satisfied = true;  
               //if customer is unsatisfied  
               if (!satisfied)  
                 //pull flavor, that customer needs malted, from main array (-1 for index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[c.maltedIndex].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor cannot be changed  
                 if (flavor.required)  
                   impossible = true; //we cannot satisfy this customer  
                 else //flavor can be changed  
                   //change flavor to malted  
                   flavor.malted = true;  
                   //we can no longer alter this flavor  
                   flavor.required = true;  
                   //we will need to process customers again  
                   needsProcessing = true;  
             else //customer does not have a malted that they like  
               //we need see if one of our flavors match  
               bool satisfied = false;  
               for (int iflav = 0; iflav < c.flavorsLiked.Length; iflav++)  
                 //pull flavor from main array (-1 for index offset)  
                 Flavor flavor = flavors[c.flavorsLiked[iflav].flavor - 1];  
                 //if the flavor is unmalted, customer is satisfied  
                 if (!flavor.malted)  
                   satisfied = true;  
               //if customer is unsatisfied  
               if (!satisfied)  
                 //all the malted flavors will be required  
                 //so we cannot change them and it is impossible to satisfy  
                 impossible = true;  
         if (impossible)  
           fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: IMPOSSIBLE", i + 1);  
         fileOut.WriteLine("Case #{0}: {1}", i + 1, string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(flavors, x => (x.malted ? "1" : "0"))));  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Port-Mortem: Featured in Multiple Countries on the Windows Phone Store

I released Couplinked in the Windows Phone Store on July 15th, 2014 as an entry into the 2014 Unity/Windows Contest.  Couplinked did not place, but I do believe that is what garnered the attention for it to be featured in the store, however, I have no proof of this.  As of August 21st, 2014, the game has 773 downloads with only nine of those being purchases (the rest are trials).  The trial version gives you access to Survival Mode and the first ten levels of the campaign.

All Downloads

Paid Downloads

All of the spikes in downloads are from being featured in the store.

The game was featured on in the following countries on the following dates:

United States, United States (Spanish (Mexico)) : July 30th, 2014
China: August 2nd, 2014
India: August 4th, 2014
Australia, China, Indonesia, Thailand: August 6th, 2014
Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates: August 10th, 2014
India (Only Nokia Phones): August 15th, 2014

Needless to say, I am not satisfied with the results in the WP Store.  On Android, the game received 11 purchases without being featured anywhere (+79 downloads of the free version with ads).

Sunday, March 2, 2014

[WIP] BOAT - Level Traversal Prototype Demo - Pre-Alpha Build V009

[WORK IN PROGRESS] First video footage of my upcoming game BOAT. Just a quick prototype of how you will have to jump from level to level!

Friday, January 10, 2014